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Ethnography Lab

The Department of Anthropology's Ethnography Lab is an interdisciplinary research group that focuses on human culture, cognition, and behavior. Affiliated faculty perform research in the fields of cultural anthropology, human and evolutionary ecology, sustainability, evolutionary psychology, quantitative ethnography, linguistics, human migration, and behavioral ecology. In addition to extensive fieldwork, ethnography lab members share a collaborative workspace in the INterdisciplinary EXchange for Utah Science (NEXUS) Research Institute. This workspace encourages students and faculty to interact with researchers within both the Ethnography Lab research group and the NEXUS research community.

Ethnography Lab News

Congratulations to Rachel Coy for winning the 2020 Monson Prize for outstanding undergraduate research on War Rituals in Small Scale-Societies!

“The results of this research may have long-term implications on both psychiatric treatment options for veterans with PTSD and the policies and procedures for reintegrating military personnel back into civilian life. Additionally, by increasing our understanding of mental illness it helps to destigmatize these conditions. The study of how mental illness is acknowledged and treated in non-western cultures could provide a novel approach to our understanding of mental health problems.”

Last Updated: 3/17/25