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Tenure Line Faculty

Adrian Bell

Associate Professor
Cultural Anthropology


(Ph.D. UC Davis, 2011; Assoc. Prof). Human ecology, evolutionary game theory and social evolution, economics of small-scale societies, Oceania
(Ph.D. U Washington 1995; Prof). Zooarchaeology, evolutionary ecology, human paleoecology, North American Prehistory (especially California and the Great Basin)
(Ph.D. Stanford U; . Prof). Human behavioral ecology, foraging economies, anthropogenic fire, gender division of labor, ethnoarchaeology, ethno-ecology, data analysis, GIS; Australia & North America
(Ph.D. U of Michigan, 1995; Prof.).Life History Evolution, Stress and Health, Fatherhood, Family Relationships: Theory and Research, Early Childehood Development, Developmental Psychology

J. Tyler Faith

Associate Professor

(Ph.D. George Washington U, 2011; Assoc. Prof.). Quaternary paleoecology, vertebrate paleontology, zooarchaeology, paleoanthropology, modern human origins, extinctions, Africa

Alexandra Greenwald

Assistant Professor


(Ph.D. UC Davis, 2017; Assist. Prof.). North American prehistoric archaeology and ethnography, human behavioral ecology, biological anthropology, and bioarchaeology.

Kristen Hawkes

Distinguished Professor
National Academy of Sciences, Member
Evolutionary Ecology

(Ph.D. U Washington 1976; Dist. Prof). Human evolution, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, hunter-gatherers

Douglas Jones

Associate Professor
Cultural Anthropology


(Ph.D. U Michigan; Assoc. Prof). Biocultural perspectives on mate choice, human behavioral ecology, evolutionary psychology, kinship; Brazil

Leslie A. Knapp

Biological Anthropology


(Ph.D.; UCLA, 1994; Prof). Primate immunogenetics and molecular ecology

tom kraft

Thomas Kraft

Assistant Professor
Evolutionary Ecologist

(Ph.D. Dartmouth College 2017; Assist. Prof). Behavioral ecology; how human health and life history are shaped by the interactions between social behavior, culture, and the environment

Karen L. Kramer

Evolutionary Ecologist


(Ph.D. U New Mexico 1998; Professor). Human behavioral ecology, demography, cooperative breeding, evolution and economics of childhood & parenting; hunter-gatherers (Pume, South America) and agriculturalists (Maya)
(Ph.D. University of Washington 2014; Assoc. Prof.) North American pre-history; Arid West; Quaternary paleoecology; Archaeobotany; Palynology, Starch grain analysis

Shane Macfarlan

Shane J. Macfarlan

Associate Professor
Cultural Anthropology


(Ph.D. Washington State U 2010; Assist. Prof). Evolutionary Anthropology; Social psychology; Political Economy; Political and Behavioral Ecology; Inequality; Ritual Society and Labor Exchange; Ethno-History

Richard R. Paine

Associate Professor

(Ph.D. Pennsylvania State U 1992; Assoc. Prof). Archaeology, prehistoric demography, complex societies, human/land relationships; Mesoamerica, Europe

Rachna Reddy

Rachna Reddy

Assistant Professor
Biological Anthroplogy

(Ph.D. University of Michigan 2020; Assist. Prof). Biological anthropology, primatology, behavioral ecology, social relationships, development, mental health; chimpanzees (Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda), bonobos (DR Congo)

Tim Webster

Assistant Professor
Biological Anthropology


(Ph.D. Yale University 2015; Assist. Prof). Biological anthropology; primatology; evolutionary and population genomics; sex chromosome evolution



Elizabeth Cashdan

Professor Emeritus
Evolutionary Psychology

(Ph.D. U New Mexico 1979; Prof Emeritus). Evolutionary psychology, behavioral ecology, hunter-gatherers

Laurence D. Loeb

Associate Professor Emeritus
Cultural Anthropology

(Ph.D. Columbia 1970; Assoc. Prof Emeritus). Middle East ethnology, social organization, religion, ethnomusicology, sociocultural reconstruction, culture change; Old World Jewry

John M. McCullough

Professor Emeritus
Biological Anthropology

(Ph.D. U Illinois 1972; Prof Emeritus). Physical anthropology, ecological genetics, human variation; the Americas, Yucatan, Europe

James F. O'Connell

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

(Ph.D. UC Berkeley 1971; Dist. Prof Emeritus). Hunter-gatherer ecology, archaeological method and theory; Australia, Africa, North America 

Duncan Metcalfe

Associate Professor Emeritus

(Ph.D. U Utah 1987; Assoc. Prof Emeritus). Archaeological method and theory, evolutionary ecology; western North America 

Dennis H. O'Rourke

Professor Emeritus
Biological Anthropology

(Ph.D. U Kansas 1980; Prof Emeritus). Population and evolutionary genetics, genetic epidemiology, quantitative methods, native America, Arctic regions and Siberia

Marianna Di Paolo

Associate Professor Emeritus
Linguistic Anthropology

(Ph.D. U Texas at Austin 1986; Assoc. Professor Emeritus). Sociolinguistics, sociophenetics, Native American linguistics (Shoshoni)

Alan R. Rogers

Professor Emeritus
Population Genetics

(Ph.D. U New Mexico 1982; Prof Emeritus). Population genetics, evolutionary ecology



Research Faculty

Last Updated: 3/17/25