Our Commitment to U
The Department of Anthropology at the University of Utah is committed to creating and fostering an open community where all students feel welcome and belong within our department and campus as a whole. We acknowledge that inequities exist based upon race/ethnicity, gender identity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, class, culture, religion, age and ability. And although the discipline of Anthropology has long been committed to understanding, appreciating and respecting all human cultures, we further acknowledge that historically, the field has at times contributed to and reinforced structures that have subjected communities of people to objectification, marginalization, colonialism and racism. As anthropologists, we renew our commitment to respecting and valuing all human experiences and to preserving the uniqueness of populations. Within our own community, we pledge to dedicate ourselves to the important work of creating an open and welcoming environment for all.
To this end, we invite you to explore this webpage to view specific tools, resources, and courses available to those interested in more information.
We welcome all engaged, motivated, and curious students who want to connect across familiarity and differences to submit feedback to our department Student Success Committee. All are welcome to apply to the committee as well by following the below link.
Explore courses, research, and scholarships centered on issues communities face around
the world.
Courses Related to Human Experiences
Anthropology Courses
- ANTH 3145 Human Migration and Social Change
- ANTH 3140 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America
- ANTH 3151 Peoples of the Pacific
- ANTH 3126 Mediterranean Cultures
- ANTH 3283 Sex and Gender
- ANTH 5255 Race and Culture
- ANTH 3110 Women Cross-Culturally
- ANTH 1010 Culture and the Human Experience
- ANTH 3128 Andean Cultures
- ANTH 3153 Black Atlantic
- ANTH 3154 Brazilian Culture
- ANTH 3134 Language, Thought and Culture
- ANTH 5960 Ethnographic Field School, Tonga
- ANTH 3138 Anthropology of Violence and Non-Violence
- All Anthropology Courses
Additional CSBS Course List
“We believe that inclusion and diversity are fundamental to the success of the university…
we strive to nurture a culture of inclusion that respects the humanity of all peoples.”
– Office for Inclusive Excellence (OIE)
Inter Tribal Student Association (ITSA)
Pacific Islander Student Association
Hillel for Utah
Facebook | Website
Delta Sigma Theta (Omicron)
Facebook | Website
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan
Email | Website
Muslim Students Association
Black Student Union
Facebook | Twitter
GET INVOLVED with Black Lives Matter!
Please visit a list of resources, educational materials, articles, and opportunities
to GET INVOLVED with Black Lives Matter, put together by the University's Equity,
Diversity and Inclusion team as we move forward together as a University and a country.
We are here for you. #ReframingTheConversation