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Zooarchaeology Laboratory Publications

Beck, R.K. 2009. The molecular genetics of prey choice: using ancient DNA to infer prehistoric population histories. California Archaeology 1(2):253-268.

Beck, R.K. 2008. Transport distance and debitage assemblage diversity: An application of the field processing model to southern Utah toolstone procurement sites. American Antiquity 73(4):759-780.

Bogiatto, R.J., Broughton, J.M., Cannon, V. I., Arnold, S. and Dalton, K. 2006. Fish remains dominate Barn Owl pellets in northwestern Nevada. Western North American Naturalist 66:395-396.

Broughton, J.M. and S.D. Miller. 2016. Zooarchaeology and Field Ecology: A Photographic Atlas. University of Utah Press.

Broughton JM, Smith GR. 2016. The fishes of Lake Bonneville: implications for drainage history, biogeography, and lake levels. In Developments in Earth Surface Processes 20, 292-351.

Broughton, J.M., R.K. Beck, D.H. O’Rourke, A.R. Rogers, and J. Coltrain. 2013. A Late Holocene population bottleneck in California Tule Elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes): Provisional support from ancient DNA. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 19 (4): DOI 10.1007/s10816-012-9167-y

Broughton, J.M., M. Cannon, F. Bayham and D. Byers. 2011. Prey body size and ranking in zooarchaeology: Theory, empirical evidence, and applications from the northern Great Basin. American Antiquity 76:403-428.

Broughton, J.M. M. Cannon, and E. J. Bartelink. 2010. Evolutionary ecology, resource depression, and niche construction theory: Applications to central California hunter-gatherers and Mimbres-Mogollon Agriculturalists. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 17:371-421.

Broughton, J.M., Byers, D., Bryson, R., Eckerle, W., Madsen, D. 2008. Did climatic seasonality control late Quaternary artiodactyls densities in western North America? Quaternary Science Reviews 37:1916-1937.

Broughton, J.M., D. Mullins, and T. Ekker. 2007 Avian resource depression or intertaxonomic variation in bone density? A test with San Francisco Bay avifaunas. Journal of Archaeological Science 34: 374-391.

Broughton, J.M., Cannon, V. I., Bogiatto, R.J., Arnold, S. and Dalton, K. 2006. The taphonomy of owl-deposited fish remains and the origin of the Homestead Cave ichthyofauna. Journal of Taphonomy 4:69-95.

Broughton, J.M. 2004 Prehistoric human impact on California birds: evidence from the Emeryville Shellmound avifauna. Ornithological Monographs 56.

Broughton, J.M. 2004 A late Pleistocene record of Humboldt cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki subsp.) from Mineral Hill Cave, Northeastern Nevada. IN: Paleontlogical Investigations at Mineral Hill Cave, ed. B. Hockett and E. Dillingham. Contribution to the Study of Cultural Resources Technical Report No. 18. (BLM Nevada).

Broughton, J.M. 2004. Prestine benchmarks and indigenous conservation? Implications from California zooarchaeology. IN: The Future from the Past: Archaeozoology in Wildlife Conservation and Heritage Management, pp. 6-18. ed. R. Lauwerrier and I. Plug, Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Broughton, J.M. and Bayham, F.E. 2003. Showing off, foraging models, and the ascendance of hunting in the California Middle Archaic. American Antiquity 68:783-789.

Broughton, J.M. 2002. Prey spatial structure and behavior affect archaeological tests of optimal foraging models: examples from the Emeryville Shellmound vertebrate fauna. World Archaeology 34: 60-83.

Broughton, J.M., Rampton, D., and Holanda, K. 2002. A test of an osteologically-based age determination method in the Double- crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus). Ibis: The International Journal of Avian Science 144: 143-146.

Broughton, J.M. 2002. Human optimal foraging strategies: An overview. Invited entry for Encyclopedia of Evolution, ed. M. Pagel, Oxford Univ. Press.

Broughton, J. M. 2002. Pre-Columbian human impact on California vertebrates: evidence from old bones and implications for wilderness policy. IN: Wilderness and Political Ecology: Aboriginal Influences and the Original State of Nature, edited by C.E. Kay, and R. T. Simmons. University of Utah Press.

Broughton, J. M. 2001. Resource Intensification and Late Holocene Human Impacts on Pacific Coast Bird Populations: Evidence from the Emeryville Shellmound Avifauna IN: Posing Questions for a Scientific Archaeology, edited by T. Hunt, C. Lipo, and S. Sterling. Greenwood Publishing Group, Series: Scientific Archaeology for the Third Millennium.

Broughton, J.M. 2000. Terminal Pleistocene fish remains from Homestead Cave, Utah, and implications for fish biogeography in the Bonneville basin. Copeia 2000:645-656.

Broughton, J.M., Madsen, D.B., and Quade, J. 2000 Fish remains from Homestead Cave and lake levels of the past 13,000 years in the Bonneville Basin. Quaternary Research 53: 392-401.

Broughton, J.M. 2000 The Homestead Cave Ichthyofauna, pp. 103-121. IN: Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, ed. D. Madsen. Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 130.

Broughton, J.M. 2000 Cathedral Cave Fishes, pp. 134-135. IN: Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, ed. D. Madsen. Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 130.

Broughton, J.M., and O’Connell, J.F. 1999. On evolutionary ecology, selectionist archaeology, and behavioral archaeology. American Antiquity 62:153-165.

Broughton, J.M. 1999 Resource depression and intensification during the late Holocene, San Francisco Bay: Evidence from the Emeryville Shellmound vertebrate fauna. University of California Anthropological Records 32.

Broughton, J.M. 1997 Widening diet breadth, declining foraging efficiency, and prehistoric harvest pressure: Ichthyofaunal evidence from the Emeryville Shellmound. Antiquity 71: 845-862.

Broughton, J.M. (ed.) 1996 Excavation of the Emeryville Shellmound, 1906: Nels c. Nelson’s final report. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 54. 

Broughton, J.M. 1994a. Declines in mammalian foraging efficiency during the late Holocene, San Francisco Bay, California.  Journal of Anthropological Archaeology13, 371-401.

Broughton, J.M. 1994b. Late Holocene resource intensification in the Sacramento Valley, California: The vertebrate evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science21, 501-514.

Byers, D.A., Yesner, D.R., Broughton, J. M., and Coltrain. J.B. 2011. Stable isotope chemistry, population histories and Late Prehistoric subsistence change in the Aleutian Islands. Journal of Archaeological Science 38:183-196.

Byers, D. A. and B. Hill. 2009. Pronghorn dental age profiles and H olocene hunting strategies at Hogup Cave,Utah. American Antiquity, 74:299-322.

Byers, D. A. 2009. The Hell Gap Site Locality II: History of excavations and bone modifications to the Agate Basin Component faunal remains. In The Hell Gap Site: A Stratified Paleoindian Campsite on the Edge of the Rockies, edited by M. L. Larson, M. Kornfeld and G. C. Frison. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, pp. 135-156.

Byers, D. A. and C. Smith. 2007. Ecosystem controls and the archaeofaunal record: An example from the Wyoming Basin, USA. The Holocene, 17:1171-1183.

Byers, D. A., C. Smith and J. M. Broughton. 2005. Holocene artiodactyl population histories and large game hunting in the Wyoming Basin, USA. Journal of Archaeological Science, 32:125- 142.

Byers, D. A. and A. Ugan. 2005 Should we expect large game specialization in the late Pleistocene? An optimal foraging perspective on early Paleoindian prey choice. Journal of Archaeological Science, 32:1624-1640.

Byers, D.A. and J.M. Broughton 2004Holocene environmental change, artiodactyl abundances, and human hunting strategies in the Great Basin. American Antiquity 69:235-256.

Cannon, M.D. and J. M. Broughton 2010 Evolutionary ecology and archaeology: an introduction. IN: Evolutionary Ecology and Archaeology: Applications to Problems in Human Evolution and Prehistory, ed. J. M. Broughton and M. D. Cannon, pp. 1-12. University of Utah Press.

Cannon, M. D., S. D. Livingston, and J. M. Broughton. 2009. Faunal remains from the Sunshine Locality. In, The Archaeology of the Eastern Nevada Paleoarchaic, Part 1: The Sunshine Locality, University of Utah Anthropological Papers 126, pp. 218-228, ed. by C. Beck and G. T. Jones. University of Utah Press.

Lorenzen, E. D., D. Nogue ́s-Bravo, L. Orlando, J. Weinstock, J. Binladen, K. A. Marske, A. Ugan, M. K. Borregaard, M. T. P. Gilbert, R. Nielsen, S. Y. W. Ho, T. Goebel, K. E. Graf, D. A. Byers, and 40 others. 2011. Species-specific responses of Late Quaternary megafauna to climate and humans. Nature 479:359-364.

Huckleberry, G., Beck, C., Jones, G., Holmes, A., Cannon, M., Livingston, S., and Broughton, J.M. 2001. Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene environmental change at the Sunshine Locality, north-central Nevada, U.S.A. Quaternary Research 55:303-312.

Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D., Grayson, D.K., Broughton, J. M., Livingston, S. D., Hunt, J., Quade, J., Schmitt, D. N., and Shaver, M.W. 2001. Late Quaternary environmental change in the Bonneville Basin, Western USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 167: 243- 271.

Rogers, A.R. and Broughton, J.M. 2001. Selective transport of animal parts by ancient hunters: a new statistical method and an application to the Emeryville Shellmound fauna. Journal of Archaeological Science 28:763-773.

Smith, C., D. A. Byers and C. Craven. 2008. Holocene bison procurement and processing in the Wyoming Basin: The view from the Graham Ranch Site. Plains Anthropologist, 53: 313-322.

Ugan, A. & J. Bright. 2001. Measuring foraging efficiency with archaeological faunas: the relationship between relative abundance indices and foraging returns. Journal of Archaeological Science, 28 (12): 1309-1321.

Ugan, A., J. Bright, & A. Rogers. 2003. When is technology worth the trouble? Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (10): 1315-1329.

Ugan, A. 2005. Climate, bone density, and resource depression: what is driving variation in large and small game in Fremont archaeofaunas. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 24: 227-251.

Ugan, A. 2005. Does size matter? Body size, mass collecting, and their implications for understanding prehistoric foraging behavior. American Antiquity 70(1): 75-90.

Ugan, A. and D. A. Byers. 2007. Geotemporal trends in proboscidean and human population histories during the late Pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews,26:3058-3080.

Ugan, A. and D. A. Byers. 2008. A global perspective on the spatiotemporal pattern of the late Pleistocene human and woolly mammoth radiocarbon record. Quaternary International, 191:69-81.

Ugan, A. 2010. The effect of cooking on the survivorship of jackrabbit skeletons (Lepus californicus) presented to desert scavengers of the eastern Great Basin, North America. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 20 (2): 214-226.

Ugan, A. & J. Coltrain. 2012. Stable isotopes, diet, and taphonomy: using isotope-based dietary reconstructions to infer differential survivorship in zooarchaeological assemblages. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39: 1401-1411.

Ugan, A. and D. A. Byers. 2008. A global perspective on the spatiotemporal pattern of the late Pleistocene human and woolly mammoth radiocarbon record. Quaternary International, 191:69-81.

Wolfe, A. L and J. M. Broughton. 2016. Bonneville basin avifaunal change at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition: Evidence from Homestead Cave. Developments in Earth Surface Processes 20. Lake Bonneville: A Scientific Update, eds. C. Oviatt and J. Shroder, pp.  371-419. Elsevier.

Wolfe, A.L. and J.M. Broughton. 2020. A foraging theory perspective on the associational critique of North American Pleistocene overkill. Journal of Archaeological Science 119:105162


Last Updated: 3/24/21